

Designing for coral reef restoration


Adobe Creative Jam 2020

My Role

UX/UI Student


Desktop, Mobile



Winning Adobe Creative Jam for Coral Reefs

Reefstars was born from my participation in the Adobe Creative Jam, a fast-paced design competition where teams are challenged to ideate and prototype a product in just two weeks. Competing against some of the most prestigious design schools, like PRATT, RISD, and SVA, we were tasked with creating a platform to support coral reef restoration.

the challenge

Inspiring action through engaging design

Creating an engaging and informative platform that motivates users to contribute to coral reef restoration efforts by making donations to Reefstars.

user research

Donors want impact, transparency, and simplicity

We conducted an online survey to identify behavioral patterns around donations, gathering 67 responses. Here’s what we learned:


of people are motivated to donate because they believe in the mission and want to make a difference.


will stop donating if they lose trust in the nonprofit organization.


expect updates on the impact of their contribution.


are willing to donate $1-$10 monthly, and 75% have made one-time donations under $100.

competitive analysis

Long donation forms hurt engagement

We analyzed three key competitors in the coral restoration space.

Coral Restoration Foundation

Coral Reef Alliance


Long donation forms were ineffective and disengaging. We also learned that impactful imagery was essential to engage users.

feature Prioritization

Focusing on features that engage and build trust.

We used the MoSCoW method to prioritize the features that would deliver the most value and impact:

Must have
  • Individual donations
  • Educational content
  • Corporate sponsorships
  • Emotional engagement.
Should have
  • Individual donations
  • Educational content
  • Corporate sponsorships
  • Emotional engagement.
Could have
  • Embedded Google Earth tracking
  • Corporate match programs
  • Social media CTAs.
Won't have
  • Long, single-page donation forms.

A logo rooted in nature’s geometry

The Reefstars logo was inspired by sacred geometry, particularly the Flower of Life, symbolizing protection, life, and creation. The hexagonal patterns found in nature and the universe—like bee hives, sunflowers, and planetary orbits—mirrored the structure of the reef, making it a perfect fit for our visual identity.

the mvp

Making donations easy and trustworthy

Our MVP aimed to create an engaging donation experience, free from long forms. We built a dashboard to provide transparency and trust, showing users the real-time progress of the reefs they supported.

design solution

Tailored donation flows for every type of donor.

We created four unique user flows to target different donation motivations:



One-time or monthly donations.



Donate "stars" for each family member.



Donate as a team with stars for each member.



Sponsor entire ecosystems with contributions of $5K+.


Bringing Reefstars to life with prototypes

check prototype

Celebrating the win and the experience

As winners, we earned tickets to Adobe MAX in LA, where we had the privilege of meeting The Ocean Agency and the Adobe team. It was an incredible experience, filled with learning and celebration!

lessons learned

Design as if you have no constraints, but be ready to prioritize.

Throughout this process, we aimed high, designing without limits. But as we got closer to launch, we had to make tough decisions to meet goals and deadlines. The key takeaway? Don’t be afraid to dream big, but know when to scale back and focus on what will deliver the most value.